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    medi travel® women

    Compression garments on the journey can reduce
    the risk of traveller’s thrombosis.*

    The lack of physical exercise during a journey exerts
    constant high pressure on the venous system. The
    venous valves no longer close perfectly and the blood
    circulation slows down. The legs become heavy and
    tired – in the worst case, traveller’s thrombosis may
    develop. medi travel socks have been specially
    developed to keep the veins in shape during long
    periods of sitting or standing. They support the
    natural blood circulation, so the blood flows back to
    the heart against gravity instead of pooling in the

    mv travel  women
    1. Your benefits
    2. Increase your cross-selling by offering your customer a travel sock for prevention
    3. Complete your product range for the prevention of traveller’s thrombosis and gain new customers
    4. Offer a product that has been specially designed to match the female target group

    5. Benefits for your customers
    6. Graduated compression can reduce the risk of thrombosis during travelling*
    7. High medical effect for feeling secure
    8. medi travel women have a modern design and look just like semitransparent sheer stockings

    9. Additional benefits
    10. The skin feels comfortable all year round with Clima Comfort (tested by IFTH)
    11. Clima Fresh with antibacterial effects prevents odour formation
    12. Extremely skin-friendly – tested quality to Oeko-Tex Standard 100

      Customers are hereby requested to purchase product(s), listed in this website, only through Authorized Distributors/Dealer, Pushpanjali Medi india Private Limited will not be liable and/ or responsible in any manner, whatsoever for purchase of product(s) made through Unauthorized Distributers/Dealers.