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    Genumedi® PT

    Knee support promotes muscular balance
    in cases of patellar lateralisation

    pstella Support , Knee Support, muscular balance
    1. Relaxes and activates Precisely positioned pelottes relax andactivate the vastus lateralis and vastus medialis muscles respectively.
    2. Individual adjustment The tension strap and thus the pressure on the vastus lateralis muscle can be adjusted as necessary.
    3. Correcting patellar tilt The silicone ring surrounding the patella is laterally reinforced to promote correct trochlear articulation. Patellar tilt is corrected.
    1. Patellofemoral pain syndrome in cases of:
    2. - hypermobile patella
    3. - patellar lateralisation
    4. - muscular imbalance
    5. - patellar maltracking
    6. postoperative treatment (patella stabilisation)
    Mode of action
    1. positive effect on the muscular structures that guide the patella to compensate for imbalance
    2. reduces muscle tone of vastus lateralis
    3. activates vastus medialis
    4. laterally reinforced silicone ring gently guides the patella for reliable movement in the femoral groove
    5. proprioceptive compression for reliable guidance and stabilisation of the joints

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