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    Circaid® juxtalite® ankle foot wrap

    Inelastic compression for the foot and ankle

    1. Chronic venous insufficiency
    2. Venous stasis ulcers
    3. Post sclerotherapy
    4. Post thrombotic syndrome
    5. Varicose veins
    6. The product is also used for mild lymphedema
    Mode of Action
    1. Inelastic compression
    2. Adaptive compression garment for more compression of the foot
    1. Optimum combination with circaid juxtalite lower leg
    2. Simple donning
    3. Breathe-o-Prene prevents static, odor and propagation of bacteria in the garment; latex-free, skin-friendly material(polyamide,polyurethane,elastane)
    4. Simple measuring & sizing – 2 sizes
    5. 6-month warranty

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