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    functional ankle brace with Foam-Gel-Padding

    1. conservative and post-operative care of fibular ligament ankle injuries
    2. chronic instabilities of the ankle
    Mode of action
    1. rigid shells provide very good stabilisation in pronation and supination movements
    2. the Foam-Gel of the padding adapts perfectly to the varying anatomic conditions and provide a uniform compression
    1. easy adjustable heel strap
    2. universal size "one size fits all"
    3. three length versions available: standard (long version), athletic (short version), paediatric (children’s version)
    4. very light Foam-Gel-Padding with soft, skin friendly surface
    5. only two straps allow a quick and secure fastening; straps can be taken off the shells and individually fixed
    6. the medi M.step® can be used for the left and right ankle due to the adaptability of the Foam-Gel-Padding

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