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    Global Relations

    Pushpanjali Global Relations

    Under the PUSHPANJALI GROUP, Pushpanjali Global Relations (PGR) provides service, by utilizing its infrastructure, manpower, contacts, distribution capabilities and knowledge of Indian Markets, to Global Companies who are not interested in any direct investment / involvement with regard to setting up office on Indian soil.

    The service is rendered in exchange for an extremely reasonable fee as per market standard. A service guarantee, of fixed and agreed targets within specified time duration, is committed to the client who wishes to tap our sales force. The performance-linked benefits commence only after the minimum guaranteed target is achieved and it needs no mention that the agreement between the parties concerned, automatically expires, if that minimum sales target is not achieved.

    PGR offers the greatest opportunity for long term success to any manufacturer desiring proper representation in this part of the world. PGR invites Global Companies to reap the benefits of its experience and expertise in providing a world class service to its customers along with the relationship it has built with purchase & finance centers of existing clients and its understanding of Emerging and rapidly developing technologies which dramatically change the available customer base and emphasize the need for new ways of doing business.

    PGR offers an innovative and market intensive approach to meet these challenges.

    In the urge to ….

    utilize the potential of manpower, infrastructure and client base of the company, recently, this division was formed as the latest diversionary venture of PCRL, to keep pace with and take advantage of the on-going economic reforms & liberalization processes in India.

    To create an identity for itself the division has been promoted with a unique brand name of Pushpanjali Global Relations (PGR).

    The basic idea is to spread our wings and render services to an international client base. By rendering of service PGR means offering its service for Representation, Liaison Office, Agency or distribution facilities to International Companies and Manufacturers who are genuinely and keenly interested to expand their product market to India.

    PGR is for those Companies and manufacturers who are willing :

    to invest in India
    to sell their products/services in India
    to get into collaboration or joint ventures in India
    to advertise and canvas their products & services in India
    or are in the process of launching their products/services in India

    Services offered are ….

    1. Acting as a full-fledged liaison/representative office or agent for these Companies in India, executing diverse job roles, mutually agreed upon.
    2. Providing Market Viability Reports for the prospective Product/Service to be launched and Market Survey & Comparative Survey Reports of demand and sale for the products/brands/services of these Companies either through our own team or through reputed market survey agencies in India (depending upon the choice).
    3. Locating potential markets and clients/customers in India for different products/brands/services of these Companies.
    4. Sharing any enquiry-related information generated through mutual partnership and following up any negotiation till the deal is clinched. The Customer is updated about the proceedings throughout the entire process.
    5. Requisite enquiry information, market reports and any allied information about the product/service are promptly dispatched through postal correspondence to the designated office and/or contact person abroad.
    6. Advertising in Indian Newspapers/media etc. are done as per the Company’s requirement, plan, budget and directive to help develop effective, viable and successful Promotional Campaigns for the Product/Brand/Service of these Companies.
    7. Organizing all activities (i.e. including travel booking, hotel accommodation(s), meeting schedule(s), etc) associated with business visit(s) of Company personnel from time to time. Also symposiums, seminars, press releases/conferences, etc are organized and conducted as per the Company’s requirements in India.
    8. Coordinating the clearing, forwarding and dispatch of materials/equipments etc. to the parties in India. Also helping in the installation of the same and maintaining a skeletal service network to handle future servicing problems.
    9. Procuring raw materials on the Company’s behalf that may be required from time to time and arranging for their dispatch.
    10. We also search and provide flexible options for financing/leasing or hire-purchasing in India of the products/projects that the Indian buyers wish to purchase from these Companies.
    11. Manpower recruitment based on matching profiles in India can also be done for the Company.
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