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    M.4® AGR

    Knee orthosis/brace for genu recurvatum.
    Physioglide hinge for a secure fit.

    1. Genu recurvatum
    2. The product is exclusively to be used for the orthotic fitting of the knee and only on unbroken skin
    Mode of action
    1. Progressive absorption system lessense the impact on the knee joint surface during the final extension phase while walking.
    1. Shores inserted to provide a progressive absorption system: blue lowest density, orange mid density, yellow transparent maximum density
    2. The physioglide hinge mimics the rolling / gliding movement of the knee and ensures a secure fit
    3. Predefinition of absorption load
    4. strong, low profile, light weight frame
    5. numbered straps ensure a simple fastening sequence
    6. air condyle pads with skin-grip system

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