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    Proted’s vision is to produce the highest quality prosthetic and orthotic products in order to meet the needs of disabled people and increase their general life quality.

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    Proted Ltd. was founded in 1992 as a prosthetic-orthotic rehabilitation center in Ankara, Turkey. Gradually, it expanded its facilities and now operates as a professional manufacturer. The most important factor in the establishment of the prosthetic and orthotic production was the company’s intention to decrease Turkey’s dependency on foreign production and that Ilhan Sahin, the founder of Proted, was an academician working in this sphere at Hacettepe University in Ankara as a mechanical engineer. He saw the necessity for such production activities in Turkiye and had the technical know-how for the development of these products.

    Today, Proted is the leading manufacturer in Turkey within this sector and has become a well-known company in Europe. Proted provides prosthetic and orthotic products to many institutions such as GATA (Gulhane Military Medical Academy), TSK Rehabilitation Center (The General Turkish Rehabilitation Center for Army Staff), Hacettepe University and Gazi University, which are well known as leading centers for prosthetic and orthotic rehabilitation in Turkiye. Proted also exports its commodities to many countries worldwide.

    Proted combines two essential dimensions in its activities; the production and the rehabilitation. The whole facility measures 5000 square meters and uses the lates technology and modern manufacturing machines. The integrated managerial units and workshops operate along the production facilities in Ostim, Ankara.

    Proted provides quality certified services and has been awarded with a state grant for its technology usage among 1000 firms in the country.

    Proted’s vision is to produce the highest quality prosthetic and orthotic products in order to meet the needs of disabled people and increase their general life quality.

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