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    Founded in 1957 by engineer and inventor, Hal Mettler, the firm is the world leader in portable ultrasound and electro-stimulation therapy equipment used in sports medicine, physical therapy, chiropractic and podiatric health care. Read More

    Mettler’s customers include US Olympic Trainers, professional teams like the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim and Dallas Cowboys, as well as countless health care institutions and individual practitioners.Success breeds imitation in any industry, and the portable ultrasound business is no exception. But despite the fact that Mettler Electronics faces stiff competition from dozens of domestic and international competitors, the family firm remains the world leader in the industry it spawned. Currently Mettler Electronics sells 60% of the ultrasounds in the world. According to Stephen Mettler, the reason that customer loyalty is so high is because…”customers know that Mettler products represent quality and value. When they buy a Mettler Sonicator, or Sys*Stim®, they know they are buying a product that is ‘sure to work’ for years to come.”

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